Manali Pilankar decodes the transformative role of PR in today’s business realm

In conversation with Adgully, Manali Pilankar, Associate Director - Corporate communications JM Financial Limited, unveils insights into the Media Playbook for 2024 and explores the intricate landscape of media dynamics, communication strategies, and the transformative role of PR in today’s business realm. With a wealth of experience in integrated communications and PR, Manali Pilankar illuminates the critical interplay between business objectives and communication strategies, emphasising on the imperative need for alignment to achieve organisational success. Throughout the discussion, she delves into emerging trends, such as AI integration, blockchain’s impact, and the diversification of media channels, offering invaluable guidance for communication professionals navigating the dynamic shifts in the industry. Her expertise and strategic prowess underscored the importance of adaptability, innovation, and ethical communication practices, encapsulating the essence of the Media Playbook for 2024.In the rapidly evolving landscape of media and communications, what are the key trends you foresee shaping the Media Playbook for 2024?The media and communications landscape is going through an extremely interesting, exciting as well as significant phase in which old rules are being rewritten and new thoughts and concepts are being introduced. Thanks to digitalisation, the growth of digital media and social media, remaining ahead of the media relations curve is necessary. Being a PR professional, one needs to continuously engage in conversations with the audience on multiple media platforms to demonstrate the responsive aspect of the brand. In this era of immediacy, media and communications professionals will work more closely with the C-suite members to manage reputation, media engagement and control the narrative. The coverage spectrum will expand further and coverage weightage will be spread across traditional media as well as new-age media. As the media universe is becoming more diverse in nature, the media and communications professionals will be deploying multiple pitches on a particular development to gain maximum media exposure. In addition, a data-driven approach will become even more intrinsic when it comes to selecting the media and measuring the impact. Another key trend to watch for is the integration of Artificial Intelligence with social media platforms to deliver personalised content.How crucial is it for businesses today to align their communication strategies with their overarching business goals, and how do you ensure this alignment at JM Financial?Aligning communication strategies with overarching business goals is a strategic imperative that positions communication as a purposeful and integral force driving the overall visibility impact of the organization. An effective synergy between the business goals or corporate strategy and communication narrative leads to a streamlined internal and external communications framework devoid of any ambiguity. What’s quite encouraging to note is that C-suites in all organisations are realising the importance of cohesiveness between business goals and communication strategies.At JM Financial, we believe in synchronising communication strategies with business goals to establish a framework where each communication initiative is strategically positioned to propel and amplify the organisation’s overarching objectives. This strategic coherence is helping us foster a unified approach across diverse communication channels.With your extensive experience in integrated communications and PR, what strategies do you believe will be most effective in engaging both internal and external stakeholders in the coming years? In the dynamic landscape of financial services, an effective engagement strategy involving both internal and external stakeholders is essential for sustained progress.Looking ahead, a multifaceted approach is crucial for effective engagement internally and externally. Internally, fostering transparent communication channels and regular updates on organisational developments can enhance employee morale and commitment. Creating avenues for feedback and suggestions further empowers the internal workforce. Internal communication needs to evolve, incorporating transparency, active listening, and nurturing open dialogue. These ideas will be the foundation of successful strategies in the year ahead.Externally, organisations should leverage the rich experience and expertise of the communication and PR professionals to communicate a unique value proposition to clients and partners. Targeted communication strategies, supported by insights and timely execution, can strengthen existing partnerships and attract new clients. The integration of digital communication tools and platforms can enhance external stakeholder engagement, by making the communications real-time and interactive.Creative approaches and collaboration with diverse stakeholders are valuable assets in developing compelling narratives that resonate with both internal and external audiences. Engaging storytelling, supported by data-driven insights, can pave the way for enhancing brand perception and trustworthiness.A combination of transparent internal communication, targeted external messaging, and innovative storytelling can position organisations for sustained growth by engaging both internal and external stakeholders, going forward.In your view, what role will emerging technologies (such as AI, VR, or blockchain) play in reshaping the landscape of corporate communications and PR in the foreseeable future?In this evolving phase of corporate communications and PR, there is a notable surge in utilising AI across various sectors. This trend is particularly driven by the fact that traditional media platforms in some cases grapple with limitations in driving effective communication strategies. AI, when deployed judiciously, proves to be a formidable tool for research and value addition, amplifying skills, fostering creativity, and boosting overall productivity.One significant trend that emerges is the integration of AI in influencer marketing. The potential of AI to enhance content creation is evident, but it comes with a caveat – influencers need clear guidelines on the ethical and legal aspects of the use of AI-generated content. As influencers increasingly turn to AI to augment their creative output, it becomes imperative to establish and communicate the rules governing such practices.Looking ahead, the concept of generative personalization of AI-generated content holds promises in addressing consistency issues. Embracing AI as a tool to amplify creativity rather than replace it is the key here. It’s essential to recognise the role of AI in enhancing the quality and relevance of content.In addition, the transformative influence of blockchain-based media is reshaping the landscape of information dissemination. The inherent features of blockchain, including enhanced transparency and data ownership, offer a progressive shift in how information is accessed and shared. This innovation aligns with the broader industry shift towards greater transparency and integrity in communication.All these technologies present opportunities to elevate communication strategies, foster creativity, and enhance transparency, contributing to a more dynamic and responsive communication landscape.As a communication strategist, how do you balance the need for innovation and risk-taking with the necessity of maintaining the company’s established brand identity?Balancing innovation, risk-taking, and preserving an established brand identity requires a nuanced approach. Maintaining a fine balance between innovation and prudent risk-taking is paramount to adapting to shifts in audience and stakeholder preferences. At the forefront of this strategic balancing act is the unwavering commitment to authentic and ethical messaging. As we explore new-age formats, the core emphasis remains on truthful and principled communication.The focus is not merely on adopting new trends; it is about practicing responsible and trustworthy communication. By infusing innovation with authenticity, we not only cater to the evolving needs of our stakeholders but also fortify the foundation of enduring trust—an invaluable currency in the evolving landscape of communication.The media landscape is increasingly diversified. How does JM Financial adapt its communication strategies to resonate with various demographics and channels effectively?Adapting to the diversifying media landscape is integral to our strategy. We tailor our communication approaches to resonate with diverse demographics and channels effectively. Embracing a multi-channel approach, we leverage traditional media, digital platforms, and social channels strategically. Content customisation is paramount, ensuring that information is presented in formats suitable for varied comprehension levels. Constant evaluation using data-driven insights enables us to refine our strategies, ensuring our brand communication remains agile, adaptive, and resonant across the evolving media landscape.Given the influence of social media, how does your team leverage these platforms to enhance brand visibility and engagement while mitigating potential risks?Through a proactive approach and strategic online brand building, we harness the power of social media to cultivate an engaged audience. Continued tracking of conversations, mentions, and sentiments enables swift identification of perceptions, facilitating timely actions. Leveraging employee advocacy strengthens relationships, creating brand champions across diverse interest groups through internal networks. This engagement underscores the value of opinions. Ensuring uniform messaging across all social platforms establishes a robust and consistent brand presence, reinforcing strong recall. The synergy of these efforts positions us to effectively navigate the dynamic landscape of social media and foster enduring brand connections.By monitoring feedback carefully, ensuring transparent communication, and staying receptive to evolving trends, potential risks can be mitigated. The key here is to foster a positive and responsive online presence that resonates with the target audience while safeguarding the brand's integrity.Looking ahead, what advice would you give to aspiring communication professionals aiming to navigate the rapidly changing dynamics of media and PR in the coming years?The dynamic digital and social media landscape brings both excitement and challenges to communication. The PR arena is undergoing a notable shift fueled by the adoption of integrated, multifaceted strategies for maintaining consistent messaging across platforms. My advice to emerging communication professionals is to diversify outreach channels strategically, aiming for maximum impact. Embrace data-driven storytelling to elevate engagement and relevance, navigating the evolving communication terrain effectively.

Sustainable advertising to gain prominence in 2024: Irvinder Ray

The start of a new year is seen as bringing in new operational efficiencies, stronger strategies, and a far greater emphasis on building deep bonds with various stakeholders and consumers. In keeping with the current market ecosystem, technology and a human approach are seen as going hand in hand. As 2024 kicks off, Adgully has approached key industry leaders to Crystal Gaze into 2024, as part of our annual Trending Now series.According to Irvinder Ray, Partner, Deloitte India, the emergence of advanced technologies such as 5G, and AR/VR will open newer doors for out-of-the-box advertising models, with an emphasis on conscious branding, sustainable advertising, and CSR. There will be a considerable shift towards digitization, witnessing the formation of proprietary Customer Data Platforms or CDPs for having an enhanced amount of control over data. There will be a rising focus on Data Protection and Privacy (DPDP), Gen AI emerging as a major driving force behind content creation, strategizing campaign ideas, and an increased focus on data enrichment strategies. 2024 will also witness an increase in investment in OTT, particularly in CTV because of its advantages such as real-time data analytics and targeted reach.Key Trends Dominating and Impacting the Industry in 2024Looking forward to 2024, we expect a further acceleration in digital transformation across the industry. The advent of emerging technologies like AR/VR and 5G will unlock new opportunities for innovative advertising models. Moreover, sustainable advertising and conscious branding will also gain prominence as consumers increasingly prioritize corporate social responsibility. These trends are expected to redefine advertising norms while creating refreshing avenues to connect and communicate with audiences.Major Expectations from 2024The primary focus of companies for 2024 will be driving digital innovation and nurturing talent capable of leveraging new-age ad technologies.Data Control and Digitization: Significant thrust towards digitization, marked by the industry's pursuit of building proprietary Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) for enhanced control over data. Fortifying data security, personalization capabilities, and insightful analytics empower more informed decision-making.DPDP Awareness and Implementation: The increased focus on Data Protection and Privacy (DPDP) with concerted efforts towards compliance and awareness campaigns. Alignment with evolving regulations, ensuring responsible data handling and fostering trust among consumers.Gen AI Adoption and Innovations: Gen AI is a key driving force, influencing various facets from content creation to campaign strategies, particularly among major brands. The exploration and integration of AI-driven technologies for more nuanced audience targeting, personalized experiences, and innovative campaign executions.Data Enrichment for Comprehensive Insights: A growing emphasis on data enrichment strategies, aiming to cultivate a unified view of customers for companies to gain profound insights into consumer behavior, facilitating tailored and targeted marketing efforts.OTT Investment Surge and CTV Growth: A surge in Over-the-Top (OTT) investment, notably in Connected TV (CTV), owing to its inherent benefits such as targeted reach and real-time data analytics. Advertisers strategically shift focus from traditional TV to CTV, leveraging its advantages for more effective audience targeting and engagement.

What PR professionals will be focussing on the most in 2024

The start of a new year is seen as bringing in new operational efficiencies, stronger strategies, and a far greater emphasis on building deep bonds with various stakeholders and consumers. In keeping with the current market ecosystem, technology and a human approach are seen as going hand in hand. As 2024 kicks off, Adgully reached out to some leading names in the Public Relations & Corporate Communication industry to Crystal Gaze into 2024 and speak about what will keep them busy in the year ahead.Focus Areas for PR Professionals in 2024Artificial Intelligence, Digital, Sustainability, and Innovation are some of the key focus areas that the Public Relations industry leaders will intensify their attention on this year.Dr Sarvesh Tiwari, Founder and Managing Director, PR ProfessionalsDr Sarvesh Tiwari, Founder and Managing Director, PR Professionals, listed the following focus areas for his agency:Digital Innovation and Integration: At PR Professionals, we're working on integrating AI, VR, and AR to revolutionise storytelling this year. Our focus is on seamlessly blending these technologies into our PR and content creation processes. By harnessing digital tools and data analytics, we aim to elevate our clients’ digital presence, ensuring our strategies are as innovative as they are effective.Sustainability and Social Impact: Sustainability and CSR are more than buzzwords for us; they’re a commitment. We're integrating sustainability into our client campaigns, highlighting their eco-friendly practices and social initiatives. This approach isn't just about building a positive brand image; it's about genuine responsibility towards our planet and society.Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity: As someone who grew up amidst the vibrant diversity of Bihar, I understand the importance of cultural sensitivity and equity. At PR Professionals, we're dedicated to ensuring our campaigns are inclusive and culturally nuanced. Internally, we're cultivating a diverse team to bring a plethora of perspectives, enhancing our creativity and connection with varied demographics.Archana Jain, CEO, PR Pundit Havas Red Archana Jain, CEO, PR Pundit Havas Red, stressed, “Trying to be a force for good and becoming more meaningful is something more businesses need to do. This is not just because our planet needs it, but because consumers and employees wish to support brands and organisations that are committed to people, planet and purpose. These subjects will enjoy a clear PR advantage in 2024 and beyond.”Continuing further, Jain said, “Social media is only going to get bigger in 2024 and beyond as more and more people access and get hooked on to it. It’s paramount, therefore, that we are adept at publishing original content; sharing insights; showing up in the comments; building thought leadership and employer branding on X, LinkedIn, etc. Influencer marketing and KOL collaborations are going to continue to be a critical part of the communications toolbox to tap new cohorts and amplify messages.”“The creative sector has always been driven by our unique human voices and imaginations, and that’s not going to change in 2024. But we need to harness artificial intelligence more productively. It is already helping PR professionals in terms of data analysis, consumer and industry insights, content generation and more. But in 2024, we will have to learn to steer this machine-generated intelligence more to our advantage. I believe we can overcome the shortfall in available talent and multi-task with smarter use of AI!” she added.Tarunjeet Rattan, Managing Partner, Nucleus PRContinuing to develop a deeper understanding of the interplay of AI with consumer sentiment and helping brands stay ahead of the curve top the agenda for Tarunjeet Rattan, Managing Partner, Nucleus PR.Rattan added, “We will continue to integrate technology into our work processes, which will allow us to automate grunt work, freeing up time to devote to research and upskilling.”She also intends to continue to develop editing chops, because relevance will rule the roost among all the content being churned out by AI. “The best editors will win!” she exclaimed.Aman Gupta, Managing Partner, SPAG FINN PartnersAman Gupta, Managing Partner, SPAG FINN Partners, said, “Our primary focus at SPAG FINN Partners revolves around innovation, strategic storytelling, and data-driven audience profiling for campaigns that deliver business impact. We are dedicating resources to staying ahead of emerging technologies, refining our storytelling techniques to resonate with evolving audience preferences, and leveraging data analytics to optimise campaign performance.”

How PR industry handled crisis communication in 2023 and the road ahead in 2024

In the fast-paced world of public relations, 2023 brought unforeseen challenges and opportunities for firms across the industry. Navigating a complex landscape, PR agencies showcased resilience and adaptability in their crisis management plans. The sector as a whole witnessed a paradigm shift, with firms prioritizing proactive reputation management and digital communication strategies. As part of our rewind 2023 series, Adgully spoke to a cross-section of PR and Corporate Communications leaders to understand their perspectives, strategies and their ability to evolve that has been pivotal in shaping its trajectory for the year.Approach for Crisis Management and Reputation ProtectionArchana Jain, CEO, PR Pundit Havas Red, stressed, “The backbone of crisis management has always been and will always be preparation. We work with our clients to plan for, on how to respond to and then recover from crisis events – with a view to safeguarding the company and brand’s image to minimise long-term reputational damage. We do so by pursuing pre-emptive measures like a vulnerability analysis of the business, training key stakeholders on a coordinated and timely response, outlining a media and social media communications plan, including recommended procedures, protocols, etc. Given the diversity of possible crises and the fact that every specific event will unfold differently and have varying impacts at different times, we canvas a range of generic actions that will assist management in responding to an incident. We believe in building a forward-looking approach of being prepared, build a culture of communicating proactively and develop a mindset of dynamic decision making.”Tarunjeet Rattan, Managing Partner, Nucleus PR, predicted, “In 2024, bot war and deep fakes will take up a fair amount of our time in the crisis management area. PR professionals will not only have to find a way to effectively deal with this new curveball that amplifies every small challenge turning it into a crisis but will also have to have a fair understanding of cyber laws to handle it.”Madhukar Kumar, Founder & Chief Strategist, Grey Cell PR, remarked, “In the world of PR, crises are like uninvited guests. We tackle them head-on with a blend of intuition and strategy. Our approach is to always be prepared, agile, and empathetic. We're enhancing our crisis toolkit with AI for faster issue detection and resolution, making sure we're always a step ahead for our clients.”Speaking about challenges faced by the PR industry, Jasrita Dhir, Director - Marketing and Communications, Karkinos Healthcare, said, “In the post-pandemic world and in certain sectors such as those dealing with communicable diseases/ public health, etc., there’s a real challenge of burnout that the crisis managers are dealing with, reeling under successive waves of Coronavirus and such.”Dhir further said, “In the age of misinformation and deepfakes, there’s an actual crisis to deal with as also the misinformed variant of the crisis to counter - a double whammy! In hyper-connected networks and matrix organisations, keeping the chain of command unilateral and ensuring a single communication centre is also a new challenge with regard to information leaks.”According to Dhir, the strategies crucial in 2024 re:Fact check before jumping into executionAmp up the social listening game including in the vernacular mediumLike charity, reputation building also starts at home. Image building starts with internal stakeholders; brand advocacy starts with intra-organisational human capital and these are the first line of resources to tap into during a crisis outbreak.Jyotsna Dash Nanda, AVP - Corporate Communications, Dharampal Satyapal Group (DS Group), added here, “As PR Professionals, our job is to guide, empower, and equip leadership to deal with crises of all kinds. There is no shortcut to elaborate preparation and complete collaboration with all necessary stakeholders to be able to assess necessary landmines in the crisis and provide a flexible and agile response mechanism for the organization and the senior leadership. Navigating crisis leadership presents a formidable yet indispensable facet of contemporary leadership which effective media and crisis training help hone. We proactively reach out to the senior leadership team and help them to equip themselves and prepare well. The preparation helps them to be seen as taking ownership, communicating with utmost transparency, exhibiting decisiveness, flexibly responding to evolving situations while adhering to the basic rules of communication, demonstrating empathy and support, allocating resources judiciously, and fostering collaboration. As PR professionals we derive lessons from experiences keeping a long-term outlook in mind while upholding ethical standards adeptly managing crisis communication, and prioritizing personal resilience and self-care. Crisis leadership is critical in today’s dynamic business environment and refers to the ability of leaders to effectively navigate and manage an organization or team during times of significant upheaval, uncertainty, or crisis with complete support from the communications team. Our responsibility involves making critical decisions, providing direction, and inspiring confidence in challenging situations so that communication is effective with 100% truth and giving direction on the way forward.”

PR Professionals onboard 5 real estate developers in 2 months

Ending the year on a high note, PR Professionals, the flagship of the PRP Group announces that it has secured the public relations mandate for five leading real estate developers within two months. The strategic partnership entails collaboration with real estate giants, including TARC, one of India's largest listed real estate developers; Bharti Real Estate, the real estate business arm of the Bharti Group; NeoLiv, an integrated real estate platform with a robust fund management business and development arm founded by Mohit Malhotra, the former Managing Director and CEO of Godrej Properties Limited; and revered real estate developers Eldeco Group and Arize Group. PR Professionals' expertise and track record in the public relations sphere have positioned them as the trusted choice for the real estate sector.Commenting on this, Dr. Sarvesh Tiwari, Founder & Managing Director of PR Professionals, shared, “In the last few years, we have expanded our client base across various verticals, including BFSI, Artificial Intelligence, Power, F&B, Metals & Mining, among others. However, real estate has been our core strength since the beginning. We are glad that another set of real estate developers, who are leaders in their respective domains, has entrusted us with their PR mandates.”PR Professionals has extensive experience in handling the communications mandates of real estate developers, making it an agency of choice for the sector. It has served over 40 national and international real estate companies and successfully handled communications for over 80 residential, retail, and commercial projects in super luxury, luxury, premium, and affordable segments. DLF Ltd, Central Park, Paras Buildtech, Signature Global, M3M Group, Trident Realty, Vatika Group, LuLu Group, Tribeca, Elan Group, Krisumi Corporation, eXp Realty, Smartworld Developers, and Alpha Corp are some of the top names in its portfolio.In 2023, PRP launched the PR campaign for the luxury residential offering of DLF Ltd, The Arbour, located in Gurgaon. This launch campaign is touted to be one of the most successful projects launches in the history of Indian real estate. DLF witnessed record-breaking pre-formal launch sales worth INR 8,000+ crores. The project was fully sold out within three days even before its official launch. Other notable clients that PRP has onboarded in the past few months include SLMG Beverages, Writesonic (an AI-based writing and image generation platform), News18 India & CNN-News18, PTC India Ltd. (formerly known as Power Trading Corporation of India Limited), Bajaj Finserv, and Patna Metro Rail Corporation, among others.PR Professionals is a 360-degree public relations and communications agency that has been delivering quality and excellence since 2011 and has also initiated several philanthropic activities. It provides end-to-end branding and customized public relations solutions that enable businesses to become market leaders. From humble beginnings, PRP today has 12 offices in India and six offices in offshore locations. The 150-member team shares Tiwari's passion for doing extraordinary things in PR and making a difference to the underprivileged through philanthropic activities.

The trends that drove PR & Corp Comm in 2023, and the road ahead in 2024

As the year draws to a close, it’s time to take stock of the important trends and developments that dominated the industry, with long term ramifications. 2023 was a year when Artificial Intelligence disrupted every industry; Public Relations and Corporate Communications, too, did not remain immune to AI’s wide-ranging impact. However, AI was not the only gamechanging development. Adgully spoke to a cross-section of PR and Corporate Communications leaders to do an exhaustive recap of this industry, as well as understand some of the trends that will dominate this industry in 2024.PR & Corp Comm Industry’s performance in 2023Tarunjeet Rattan, Managing Partner, Nucleus PR, noted, “Empirical data suggests that most firms have done 5X the business they did during the pandemic. At the start of the year, there was an attempt by the brand world to push for a pre-pandemic ‘course correction’, while the PR industry pushed back to break away and evolve from that set perception. This has led to an interesting amalgamation of services now being offered by PR agencies and probably a new definition of the profession.”The PR industry also saw an increased curiosity about the profession judging by the RFPs requested on a weekly basis. This also called for a larger mandate for the entire PR industry to educate and upskill the brands they worked with on how PR is evolving and changing this year.According to Rattan, talent in the PR industry has also gone through a change at all levels. “While the new JD for a new joinee in PR is still up for discussion, the middle management and leadership teams have had to upskill quickly to ride the tide, assimilate information on the go and churn out strategies that make sense in the new world,” she added.Growing demand for purpose-driven communicationIn 2023, the PR industry witnessed a dynamic landscape characterised by evolving media consumption patterns and an increased demand for purpose-driven communication, observed Aman Gupta, Managing Partner, SPAG FINN Partners. He added, “At SPAG FINN Partners, we navigated these shifts successfully by staying agile, embracing technology, and prioritising authentic storytelling. The industry’s resilience and adaptability were evident, and we foresee continued growth as we leverage these lessons to shape our strategies in the years to come.”Emerging trends and innovative strategiesPR industry leaders unanimously agree that technology will emerge as an important enabler for the function as they leverage technology to enhance efficiency, track real-time and understand trends. Also, social media channels of the brand and its leadership will emerge as powerful mediums to communicate the narrative.Akanksha Jain, Head - Public Relations and Corporate Communications, BharatPe, pointed out, “Focus will be a lot more on purpose-driven communication, as consumers today are more keen to be associated with brands that have a clear impact narrative. In turn, the ESG roadmap will have to be clearly carved out for organisations.”Also, the Communications role will focus a lot more on larger reputation building and safeguarding, by leveraging earned, paid, social and owned media. It is the owned media channels that will be the next game-changer for the companies, driven by a well thought-through content strategy- that caters to a diverse set of stakeholders. Additionally, Key Opinion Leaders will continue to play an important role in driving brand narratives.Jasrita Dhir, Director - Marketing and Communications, Karkinos Healthcare, highlighted some emerging trends:Integrated Communications Approach: The line between traditional PR, new-age PR, digital PR has all but blurred. 2024 will see Comms professionals demand and PR agencies present integrated communication solutions incorporating external and internal comms, social media influencers, digital creatives, et al.Rise and rise of Podcasts: The medium that is expected to leapfrog further in 2024 is podcast, in both the audio and video formats.Emerging need for climate communications.Evolving need for ESG and sustainability Comms.SPAG FINN Partners’ Aman Gupta said, “In 2024, we anticipate several key trends shaping the PR industry. The increasing prominence of immersive technologies (Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)) along with data driven audience insights, is transforming the way we engage audiences. These technologies offer new and creative avenues for storytelling and brand experiences. Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics is becoming a cornerstone of PR strategies, enabling more personalized and targeted campaigns.”AI to continue to transform PR even moreMahima Misra, Head of PR & Corp Comm, Good Glamm Group, noted that AI will continue to transform PR even more. “The potential of AI to improve content ranking through SEO optimisation and enhanced audience personalisation will boost PR efforts in 2024. It will also help in media tracking and calculating audience response more efficiently. AI can write about practically anything, including press releases. This may help reduce PR content creation costs while increasing scalability,” Misra added.Along with AI, Video and Podcast Content will also gain prominence. With the rise in demand for video and audio content, it is no surprise that this is an integral part of the future of PR and still on the list of PR trends. Podcasts (both audio and video podcasts) are in high demand. Videos are effective for telling a highly visual story, too. From regular to luxury PR campaigns, high-quality videos present the perfect medium to showcase your newest products, services, and even brand events. “Not only that, but videos will also help you relay your side of the story during a crisis. Whether short or long, the fact remains that video marketing is here for the long haul,” she added.Social Media for Online Reputation Management, Contact BuildingSocial media is the heavyweight champion in PR and will remain so in 2024. Unlike traditional PR methods, social media enables two-way communication between brands and their customers, the media, and other stakeholders. Brand image and reputation enhancement through social media are also likely to continue. Social media will continue to play a role in helping brands manage a PR crisis and neutralise negative publicity. Misra also considers LinkedIn as an important PR platform to establish brand/ company image and make impact and establish founders and professionals as thought leaders in their field. Jyotsna Dash Nanda, AVP - Corporate Communications, Dharampal Satyapal Group (DS Group), added here, “In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and technology is universally recognised as a crucial skill for success, transcending the boundaries of company size. As businesses set their sights on 2024, a pervasive commitment to leveraging AI for content creation and writing assistance takes center stage, underscoring the transformative role of technology in shaping communication strategies.”Furthermore, the strategic use of various platforms and channels emerges as a cornerstone for achieving organisational goals, reflecting a forward-looking approach to digital engagement. Anticipating the importance of staying attuned to public sentiment and changing consumer needs, businesses are planning to harness the power of media monitoring tools and content calendars in 2024, aligning their efforts with the dynamic nature of the information ecosystem.