Public Relations Industry continues to grow at 20 percent, reaching 2,500 crore

The Public Relations Consultants Association of India (PRCAI) hosted the third edition of its flagship thought-leadership forum, PRologue 2024 on July 25 in Gurgaon. At this event, PRCAI presented initial findings of SPRINT 2024*, its annual industry survey in collaboration with IPSOS, which estimates a growth of 19.6 percent in FY 2022-2023 for the industry. PRCAI presented and deliberated on an optimistic projection for the Indian PR industry, reaching 2,500 Cr. from 2,100 Crore in FY 2021-2022. The event saw panelists engage in dynamic discussions on the theme ‘Reimagining Communications in a Turbulent World.’ With changing demographics in India, influence of technology and AI, economic trajectory, the PR industry is experiencing changes at a fast rate, from skills required in the industry, to greater attention to PR by C-Suite, to innovation in audience outreach, to shaping narratives, to services and specializations offered to be ready for the future of communications. These themes were explored at the recent PRologue 2024, which was attended by 300 communication and business professionals.India is home to the largest Gen Z population, earning trust from this dynamic group is vital for brand success. Diving into the evolving behaviour of new-age consumers, PRCAI guest speakers included Sushant Dash, CEO, Tata Starbucks, Anushka Rathod, Content Creator, and Ashutosh Munshi, Lead Advisor, Brand Marketing & Communications, Edelman India, who talked about how to ‘Crack the Gen Z Code’ at the event. Sushant Dash, CEO of Tata Starbucks, said, "Gen Z’s unique expectations and strong opinions, shaped by their digital nativity, challenge brands to innovate. At Starbucks India, we engage with this dynamic group daily, finding their perspectives both refreshing and inspiring. Their insights drive us to continually adapt and improve our communication approach." Emphasizing trust and engagement, the panel underscored public relations' crucial role in navigating rapid technological advancements and widespread misinformation. The second panel with guest line-up including, Atul Rai, CEO & co-founder, Staqu Technologies, Nikhil Pahwa, founder and editor, Medianama, Yatik, Naik, business head at HT Media Group, and Nandagopal Rajan, COO, The Indian Express, discussed strategies to ‘Navigate The AI Tightrope,’ balancing the dilemma of innovation versus misinformation. The most awaited industry event is a combination of trend discussions at PRologue 2024, followed by the global SABRE South Asia Awards, that celebrated the most creative and interesting work in the field of Public Relations. More than 50 awards were given to compelling campaigns. Vineeta Singh, CEO & co-founder of SUGAR Cosmetics was awarded the top honour of CEO Of The Year at the SABRE South Asia 2024 Awards.Vineeta Singh, CEO & Co-Founder of SUGAR Cosmetics said, "I am deeply honored and humbled to receive the Best CEO of the Year at SABRE South Asia 2024 Awards hosted by PRCAI. I dedicate this award to my mother and SUGAR's workforce, especially 3000+ women employees, beauty enthusiasts, and stakeholders at large. This award recognition underscores our focus to redefine the Indian beauty landscape whilst saluting the indomitable spirit of women who embrace their most authentic selves." Kunal Kishore, Vice President of PRCAI, said, “PRologue and SABRE SA have become the industries’ most awaited moments of learning and recognition. Our goal is to focus on authentic conversation and reimagine every year our ever-changing environment that can constantly up the game for the industry.”‘This year at PRologue 2024, PRCAI partnered with the Guinness World Records (GWR) and created a new record for the most signatures collected on a t-shirt in 60 minutes. It called upon the attendees and industry professionals to pledge to the power of "Educate, Elevate, Empower" and for each one of them to commit an hour this year to upskill the next generation of talent in the industry. Deeptie Sethi, CEO of PRCAI, remarked, "The industry is witnessing a healthy growth and PRCAI is committed to help the industry strive for excellence with platforms to upskill, standardizing guidelines to build a world-class workforce and stronger industry practices for both today and tomorrow. We are excited about the first-ever Guinness World Record for PRCAI, that symbolizes our commitment to encourage each member of ours as an integrated part to cultivate a more skilled and innovative workforce for the future."To elevate the industry standards and cultivate a more professional and collaborative environment for collective success, PRCAI has a new client-consultancy partnership charter and code of conduct guidelines, which will be announced soon to build an even stronger ethical, professional, and progressive PR industry.