Building a legacy: Srishti Mathur’s PR roadmap for Physics Wallah

We are in a new era of Public Relations. In the last few years, the importance of reputation management has taken a sea change. More brands and clients, especially from the leadership teams, are viewing Public Relations from a close range. The industry has undergone a radical change with the advent of social media, which has to a large extent changed the approach to Public Relations. We have a relatively new and young audience that we need to face in the coming years so there are bigger challenges for brands and PR practitioners, who have to be more agile and proactive in their thinking to draw up business solutions for clients.In our exclusive column – PR Conversation – Adgully interacts with leading business leaders and obtains their exclusive views and insights on the various trends in the PR and communications industry.In conversation with Adgully, Srishti Mathur, Director & Head – PR & Corporate Communication, Physics Wallah (PW), speaks at length about how PR and corporate communication in the ed-tech industry differ from other industries, the steps to communicate about ed-tech platforms like Physics Wallah to a skeptical audience, crisis communication in the ed-tech sector and ways to address them, long-term goals for Physics Wallah’s PR and corporate communication efforts, and more.How did your roles in various PR agencies prepare you for your current position at PhysicsWallah? What key lessons and skills from your previous experiences have you applied to your role as Head of PR and Corporate Communication?My 17-year experience in top PR agencies has prepared me well for my role at Physics Wallah. I use these skills to ensure our communications match with Physics Wallah’s educational goals, keeping everything open and trusted with our stakeholders. Growing up with journalist parents helped me strengthen media ties, improving our outreach and impact. My experience allows me to handle the ever-changing educational field effectively, using clear and genuine storytelling that connects with our audience and protects our brand’s reputation. Additionally, my leadership experience is vital in developing a robust PR and communications team that propels our mission. The adaptability and forward-thinking required in fast-paced agencies are essential at Physics Wallah, as we continuously innovate to engage effectively with students, parents, and educational partners.Given your extensive experience across various sectors, how does PR and corporate communication in the ed-tech industry differ from other industries? What unique challenges and opportunities have you encountered in promoting an ed-tech platform like PhysicsWallah compared to your previous roles?Education is a deeply personal and critical aspect of people’s lives. Establishing and maintaining trust with our audience is paramount, requiring consistent transparency and credibility in all communication. Promoting an ed-tech platform like Physics Wallah, demands a deeper focus on mission-driven storytelling and leveraging digital platforms to engage a diverse audience.At PW, we serve a broad audience, including students, parents, educators, policymakers, and the entire educational ecosystem. Each group has unique needs and expectations, necessitating messages that are both specific and cohesive. The success stories of our students provide powerful content that resonates emotionally with our audience.Our mission is to democratize education at scale, reaching students and parents in the remotest corners of the country. Simplifying information to make it accessible and engaging is crucial. Social media and new-age platforms play a huge role in this effort, especially for a digital-native brand, allowing us to reach students far and wide in the language they understand and in the way they consume information. This presents both an opportunity and a challenge, particularly in areas with limited internet access. In such cases, we create awareness using local methods to ensure our brand and its purpose reaches everyone.How do you communicate the value of ed-tech platforms like Physics Wallah to a skeptical audience, ensuring credibility and trust?Our approach to communication is also deeply rooted in transparency. We openly share our methodologies, numbers, success rates, and feedback through detailed case studies and testimonials. This openness helps build and maintain trust with our audience. A key element in our approach is continuously improving our content, community, and communication to meet the evolving needs of our stakeholders. By emphasizing strong corporate governance, we ensure that our actions align with our mission and values, fostering trust and credibility. Consistent messaging across all channels reinforces our brand's reliability. Regular updates, continuous engagement, and prompt responses to queries and feedback help build a dependable image.How do you handle crisis communication in the ed-tech sector, especially in situations where there might be misinformation or negative feedback from users? Could you share some examples?When misinformation or negative feedback arises, our first step is to respond quickly and transparently. We gather accurate information from all internal departments and present the facts clearly to counter any false narratives. We actively listen and learn from our community and our founder Alakh Pandey’s direct engagement and responsiveness to feedback ensure that our community feels heard and valued. This hands-on approach has been instrumental in addressing concerns promptly and maintaining a positive relationship with our stakeholders, even in challenging times. Additionally, we have robust crisis preparedness systems in place and all stakeholders receive calendared training on a regular basis, ensuring they know how to respond effectively to potential crises. This agility allows us to promptly address concerns and issues.In a competitive ed-tech landscape, how do you ensure that Physics Wallah stands out and maintains a strong brand presence?We do this by weaving a compelling narrative around the core elements of the brand – story, purpose, innovation, inspiration, and consistency. The PR strategy strongly focuses on building a strong community, leveraging these relationships to enhance the brand’s consumer voice. Relatable student success stories and data driven communication foster a sense of trust, belonging and aspiration, aligning with the brand’s cultural and social impact. By making education both affordable and innovative, Physics Wallah not only uplifts individual students but also contributes to broader societal and economic advancements. This multifaceted approach ensures Physics Wallah stands out and is continuously resonating with new and existing stakeholders while driving forward its vision for an educated and inclusive India.How do you build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, including students, parents, and educational institutions?By continuously listening to them and innovating accordingly and acting swiftly to lead the change and provide solutions.What are your long-term goals for Physics Wallah’s PR and corporate communication efforts?Our long-term goals for Physics Wallah’s PR and corporate communication focus on elevating our brand to a cult status. We aim to continue innovating in how we share authentic stories to a diverse audience, enhancing our engagement and solidifying our reputation as India’s most beloved education brand. We are committed to leading systemic reforms in the Indian education system, aiming to impact educational policies and practices significantly. Our efforts will extend to scaling our reach and deepening engagement with the government, think tanks, associations and other relevant stakeholders to ensure lasting benefits for students across India. These initiatives are just the beginning of our journey to make a profound and enduring impact on education in Bharat and then globally.