Weber Shandwick bolsters UK creative team

Weber Shandwick has announced a significant expansion of its UK creative team, including promotions for existing staff and the addition of new talent.Promotions:Klein Borrill has been promoted to the newly created role of UK Head of Design. Borrill brings extensive experience from his previous role as Head of Design at That Lot, a social creative agency that joined the Weber Shandwick Collective in 2018.Jack Duffield and Chris Marsden, who joined the agency in 2022, have been promoted to Associate Creative Directors. They recently led the creation of a successful pop-up for eBay UK.Charlie Powell has been promoted to Conceptual Creative after transitioning from the consumer team to the creative team.New Hires:Carly Illston joins Weber Shandwick as an Art Director, teaming up with Copywriter Marley Muirhead. They previously worked together at multiple agencies.Leadership:The expanded creative department now reports to UK President Amy Garrett, who emphasized the team's role in empowering clients to achieve their business goals.Recent Appointment:This news follows the recent appointment of Yan Elliott as Weber Shandwick's Chief Creative Officer in London.