Prerna Dalakoti: Steering PR success with innovation and integrity

As an Associate Account Director at PR Professionals, Prerna Dalakoti brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. With a keen understanding of strategic communication and public relations, she plays a pivotal role in driving impactful campaigns and fostering strong client relationships. Dalakoti’s dedication to excellence, coupled with her innovative approach, ensures that she consistently delivers results that exceed expectations. Her dynamic leadership and collaborative spirit make her a valuable asset to both her team and her clients, driving success in an ever-evolving industry landscape.In conversation with Adgully, Prerna Dalakoti, Associate Account Director, PR Professionals, speaks about the importance of the importance of compelling storytelling, proactive reputation management, and leveraging diverse communication channels to engage audiences effectively. She advocates for adaptability and innovation in PR strategies to navigate the evolving media landscape and maintain trust and credibility with stakeholders.Reflecting on the past decade, could you share with us how your professional journey has unfolded and evolved within the PR industry?My journey within the PR industry has been quite a ride! Over the past ten years, I’ve had the privilege of working with a diverse range of brands and campaigns across various sectors, from infrastructure to government/ PSUs, education, social development, technology, and retail. One of the highlights of my career has been my involvement in some groundbreaking infrastructure projects, such as the implementation of Namo Bharat Trains – India’s first Regional Rapid Transit System, and the redevelopment of railway stations across India. Besides, I’ve also had the opportunity to contribute significantly within the development sector, partnering with organizations like UNICEF and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) on various advocacy and media outreach campaigns. It’s been quite a journey of learning and growth, and I’m grateful for the experiences that have shaped me into the professional I am today.In my brief 10 years in the PR industry, I have learned that being a communicator is no walk in the park. It is a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment where you juggle multiple stakeholders and uphold uncompromising standards of quality. To excel in this role, one must consistently deliver high-intensity performances. However, true success in communication isn’t solely about linguistic expertise; it is about investing in one’s character and nurturing meaningful relationships.How has your organization contributed to your growth and development as a PR Professional over the past ten years?Starting my career with PRP has been instrumental in shaping my professional journey. Being part of a dynamic and growing organization like PRP has provided me with ample space and opportunities to learn, experiment, and evolve. Unlike being a cog in a well-established corporate machine, working with PRP has exposed me to a multitude of experiences both internally and externally. This environment has not only allowed me to refine my client management skills, but also enabled me to develop valuable people management abilities, which I consider a significant asset in my career today.Who have been your role models or mentors, and how have they influenced your approach to PR?My mentor in the PR field is undoubtedly Dr Sarvesh Tiwari, Founder & Managing Director of PR Professionals. His distinctive approach to work, empathetic demeanor, practical approach, and exceptional skill in relationship building have deeply influenced me. Among the many lessons I’ve learned from him, two stand out: the importance of cultivating and nurturing relationships with honesty and integrity, and the significance of effective people management, which entails valuing and treating everyone with equal respect and dignity.Another individual whom I admire and consider a role model is MS Dhoni. His leadership style is something I greatly admire and aspire to emulate. Dhoni’s ability to lead his team both on and off the field, with solid control over his mind and emotions, is truly commendable.What are your plans and aspirations within the PR field, considering your experiences and achievements thus far?I firmly believe in the transformative impact that effective communication can have, not only on businesses and organizations, but also on communities and society as a whole. I aspire to continue working with organizations and brands that are committed to making a positive impact, collaborating on campaigns and initiatives that aim to drive social change, promote sustainability, and advance the well-being of individuals and communities. Additionally, I wish to continue to collaborate with large-scale infrastructure projects that have the potential to transform lives and shape the future of generations to come. Furthermore, I look forward to exploring new horizons and venturing into uncharted territories such as the FMCG and Banking industries, where I believe my skills and experience can add unique value.In your opinion, how do you perceive the current state of the PR industry, and what trends or changes do you anticipate shaping its future trajectory?I believe we are at the brightest phase of the public relations industry, because everyone has realized its importance more than ever. Where earlier we used to be one of the functions of any business, but now PR has become a key function of businesses. One of the key trends shaping the future trajectory of the PR industry is the increasing integration of digital media and technology. With the rise of social media platforms, online news outlets, and digital communication channels, PR professionals must adapt their strategies to effectively engage with audiences across various digital platforms.Another significant trend is the growing emphasis on transparency and authenticity in communications. In an era characterized by widespread distrust and skepticism, businesses and organizations are under greater scrutiny than ever before. Additionally, the evolving media landscape and changing consumer preferences are reshaping traditional PR practices. Overall, while the PR industry is facing many disruptions, it also presents abundant opportunities for innovation and growth. By staying agile, embracing digital transformation, and prioritizing authenticity and transparency, PR professionals can navigate the evolving landscape and continue to drive impactful communication strategies in the years to come.