Ready10 hired to handle First Bus PR

UK public transport operator First Bus has appointed Ready10 to handle its PR and communications after a competitive selection process.Ready10 will be responsible for consumer and trade media relations, as well as supporting First Bus with corporate reputation management and crisis communications. The agency will also run the day-to-day press office and develop creative campaigns to promote bus travel.This comes as First Bus announced an £89 million investment in zero-emission buses, with the goal of operating a fully electric fleet by 2035."We are on an exciting journey to transform our business and to do that we need a completely fresh approach to how we present ourselves as a brand," said Charlotte Butler, (pictured), First Bus's director of communications and engagement. "The team at Ready10 instantly got what we are trying to achieve and bought into the challenge ahead. Their blend of insight-driven creativity, coupled with a thorough understanding of not only our business, but also the commercial and political factors our business is facing, is exactly what we're looking for in a new agency partner."Ready10 founder and MD David Fraser (pictured), said: “The bus itself is a great connector, part of the fabric of our culture and something really important to millions of people. That makes it an incredibly rich territory for PR that will enable us to conduct some memorable campaigns. We’ve already built a strong relationship with the PR and comms team who were so helpful and collaborative from the get-go – we’re excited to get out of the depot and onto the road.”